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The Grand Finale

31 days ago I pledged to blog every morning and evening - to start with a gratitude list, to ask a question, to ask for a sign; then in the evenings, to report on whether or not the sign appeared, what I did that day for the sheer delight of it, and what I focused on for 17 seconds.

Here's a quick-n-dirty recap:
Signs asked for: 30
Signs appeared: 16 ...this blows my mind. It didn't feel like that many showed up.

Here's a ranking of what my 17 seconds was on, in order of frequency:
  • Travel
  • Singing
  • Acting
  • Friendship
  • Writing
  • Alone Time
  • Romantic Partnership
  • Teaching
  • Collaboration
  • Performing
  • Flying
  • Giving and Receiving
  • Tangible Results
  • Knowing What I Want

Of course, the whole point of the Experiment was to find out what I want. And I still don't know what that is.

I got some input from friends on what they think I should do (move back to LA and act; marry a cowboy and move to Eastern Washington; work in a resort community); I had a few dreams during this experiment (driving around the country for 6 months to write a book); mostly, though, I remembered to be grateful and to do something I love every day.

I don't know what's going to happen next. I don't have a clear picture or any perspective on what we've just done. I can tell you that, tantrums aside, I've loved it.

And right now, that's enough.


Phoenix said...

YAY! Perhaps then you got what you wanted out of the experiment - you received happiness in moments of uncertainty.

If you, while still not knowing what you want, can be happy, grateful, and healthy...well, then, that's what 99% of the rest of the planet is trying to do.

I'd say goal achieved, my dear.

Ingels-Moss said...

I LOVE this experiment. I often engage in this sort of adventure, but I call it a "project" and don't tell anyone about it. Bravo for sharing! I especially love the part about asking for a sign and finding that more than half the time it appeared. I spend most of my life completely unaware of how much of what I've asked for has already been given.

Ingels-Moss said...

p.s. It would be the highlight of my month to come see you do a reading and booksigning at Book Soup. Which is to say that I think you should include writing a book in your future plans since you're already one of my favorite authors :)

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